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1. 专业性强:礼泉按摩以中医理论为指导,结合现代按摩技术,针对不同人群的体质和需求,制定个性化的按摩方案。专业按摩师通过精准的手法,疏通经络,调节气血,达到养生保健的目的。

2. 技艺精湛:礼泉按摩技艺精湛,手法细腻,力道适中。按摩师在按摩过程中,注重人体经络的走向和穴位分布,使按摩效果更佳。

3. 融合传统文化:礼泉按摩在传承古代养生术的基础上,融入了陕西地方特色,如秦腔、剪纸等,使按摩过程更具文化氛围。

4. 环境优雅:礼泉按摩馆多位于古建筑或园林之中,环境优雅,静谧,让人在享受按摩的同时,感受到古都的风情。


1. 调节气血:按摩可以疏通经络,调节气血,改善血液循环,提高免疫力。

2. 缓解疲劳:长时间工作或学习后,按摩可以缓解肌肉疲劳,提高睡眠质量。

3. 美容养颜:按摩可以促进新陈代谢,改善皮肤状态,使肌肤红润有光泽。

4. 预防疾病:按摩可以预防颈椎病、肩周炎、腰腿疼痛等疾病。


1. 选择正规按摩馆:选择具有营业执照、卫生许可证的正规按摩馆,确保按摩质量。

2. 查看按摩师资质:了解按摩师的执业资格,选择经验丰富、手法专业的按摩师。

3. 个性化服务:根据自身需求和体质,选择适合自己的按摩项目。


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1. 男士保健按摩:通过专业手法,对全身进行放松,缓解肌肉紧张,改善血液循环,增强免疫力。

2. 男士养生足疗:采用传统足疗手法,针对足部穴位进行按摩,促进新陈代谢,缓解疲劳。

3. 男士水疗:利用水的温度、压力和冲击力,对身体进行全方位的放松和调理,达到舒缓疲劳、改善睡眠、提高免疫力的效果。

4. 男士美容护肤:采用天然植物精华,为男士提供专业的美容护肤服务,使肌肤焕发光彩。






1. 个性化服务:根据每位客人的需求,提供个性化的服务方案,确保客人满意。

2. 无忧预约:提供线上预约、电话预约等多种预约方式,方便客人随时预约。

3. 优惠活动:定期举办优惠活动,让客人享受到更多的优惠。


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1. 按摩:包括头部、颈部、背部、手臂、腿部等部位的按摩,通过专业手法缓解肌肉紧张,促进血液循环。

2. 足浴:采用天然草药泡脚,配合专业技师的手法按摩,有效缓解疲劳,改善睡眠。

3. 美容护理:提供面部、身体护理等美容项目,让您在享受SPA的同时,焕发肌肤光彩。

4. 健身:会馆内设有健身房,提供各种健身器材,让您在放松之余,保持健康体态。






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"Get out" The chameleon looked at the intruders coldly with a stick in his hand.

The first person snorted, "What did those people say to you just now? Answer honestly or you will know the consequences yourself."
The chameleon sneered, "I won’t tell you if you kill me."
"We’ve seen a lot of mouth shut, and finally we have to say," The bodyguard weapon hands will surround each other.
The chameleon suddenly laughed. "I hate two kinds of people most in my old life. One is that it is better to betray my friends, pigs and dogs than people."
"Another kind?"
"government dog"
"Don’t you dare call names and teach him a lesson"
At the same time, the two men rushed out of the chameleon’s hand and swung the stick. The two men quickly avoided it. Unfortunately, the leg was injured and they quickly followed up. Almost at the same time, the two guards behind them rushed close and were quickly knocked down by the other side.
"Adults are not lame."
"What a waste Lin Feng took the trouble to find a waste to distract us!" The first person looked at each other’s broken legs and also went to Qin Wangfu. According to the statement of the princess and the little prince, it has been confirmed that the root of the prince was not Lin Feng, but someone else pretended to be it.
Telling the truth, the guards were surprised. The murderer was really someone else. Lin Feng was really fierce. It is a little bit to find the flaw in a case so quickly, even if you know that the other party knows how to find the murderer in such a big day!
The bodyguard jumped over the chameleon and fell to the ground, so the bodyguard quit. At the same time, the right hand violently shook the wooden stick and instantly cracked. There was a long sword in it, and the whole person lay down and touched the sword, and his face showed a very painful expression.
Lin Feng and his party went out of town all the way to the west. No one knew exactly what identity a person was looking for and what characteristics he could rely on Lu Jun.
"Mysterious man!"
Run out for two days Lu Jun finally watched three people confused eyes Liu Jundao "This person is also listening to people talk about Yi Shu’s superb roots. No one has ever seen him really."
"If so, even at this time, there is no way to recognize the vast sea of people in front of us!"
Lu Jun laughed. "This man has a rule that he will go to Huashan Mountain on March 20 every year. This is the only way."
"Huashan Mountain!"
In the past, the mountains of Wulin were dangerous, and strange peaks and rocks could be seen everywhere. Unfortunately, with the rise of Jianghu forces in various sects, people became more and more careful in doing things. In the past, the sword was abandoned.
Horseshoe bursts are two days away from the date mentioned by Lu Jun. The range of Huashan Mountain is too large. I want to find out a more feasible way for this person to reach the top before the other party.
It’s hard to see the rivers and lakes without going into Huashan Mountain. Once, the sword and shadow on the top of Huashan Mountain witnessed Wulin’s saying that all kinds of martial arts skills have emerged one after another. There are still cliffs here, and there are still leaping figures. How many heroic characters have been, how many nostalgia have been, and finally they are like passing clouds.
All the way, the horse has been looking far away, and there is a high mountain connected with mountains and clouds, where is the peak of China.
Many horses are winding in different directions as the mountain becomes steeper. When four people pause, the road is too dangerous. Can the horse stay here? Which is the way to the top?
A song came to the crowd and looked around. A woodcutter dressed as a man appeared with a hat and a hemp rope tied to his waist. He stopped a stone and saw Lin Feng.
"Brother, I don’t know which way leads to the top of Huashan Mountain?"
The man coughed, "The more dangerous this mountain is, the more dangerous it is. I still advise you to travel around and find another place."
"I’m not admiring the name of the mountain, but I have to try it even if the road is dangerous."
"All right, let’s go. This mountain is relatively flat. Please leave."
When the woodcutter finished speaking, he glanced at it and walked slowly down the mountain from the big stone jump. Several figures followed the direction of the woodcutter to climb the rock. The fastest figure was almost tiptoe. This lightness skill was amazing. The woodcutter looked at the four people climbing and stopped there for a long time.
Follow the woodcutter’s direction until after a dangerous road, the mountain gradually becomes gentle, almost moving slowly around the mountain, which is safe and time-consuming, but more physical strength
"Brother Lin" Fei Tian Yan retreated to Lin Feng near.
"Try this way."
Without hesitation, Liu Ernian’s tiptoe quickly became smaller to the surface, and her arms clung to the gap between the stone walls on both sides. Once the height fell, it would be difficult to get hurt even if she achieved lightness skill.
Watching Liu Ernian’s figure gradually disappear, Fang Sanren also pinched the staff. It is the first time that he was able to get courage and martial arts from such a mountain road. It is precisely because of this that he was able to climb Mount Huashan in those years and was a first-class player in the Jianghu.
"Brother Lin, I’ll put the vines."
Face to face, Liu Ernian sounds like climbing the dangerous ground. The ground is a platform. Write three big characters "Forget marble". On the side, the vines are intertwined with each other. The thickest one of the swords is cut along the mountain.
It’s not difficult to climb a dangerous place with a three-legged wooden rattan hand. It’s too heavy to worry about. Liu Ernian supported Lu Jun to climb first, and then Lin Feng Li Hu was responsible for the rear defense.
Forget the marble, the first four people sit on the ground, and the mountain breeze blows and gives off a burst of coolness. Looking around here, the clouds linger like a fairyland.
"Forget marble!"
Lu Jun’s handwriting on the finger touch surface should be carved by sharp tools such as swords and swords. Each stroke is almost the same depth, and there are not many trivial traces left around. It can be seen that the engraver grasped the strength very accurately at the beginning.
"Forget, not hope!"
Lu Jun is talking to himself. There is something strange about the three people’s eyes falling with the surface. From here, you can see the clouds on the distant mountain peaks, which makes people sigh.
The name of the stone should come from this. Even so, forgetting and looking forward to the theory is very different from strokes or meanings.
"It’s easy to forget!"
Sound from four people a surprised didn’t expect to face someone and hear Lu Jun such distance even windson also didn’t find it.
When a Taoist wears a Taoist robe and holds floating dust, it suddenly gives people an extraordinary feeling of "being a Taoist priest and being a teacher"
The Taoist smiled indifferently. "Are you going to climb the mountain?"
"If there is a mountain, it will eventually be recruited. If there is, it can go to many sufferings!" Floating dust, arm in arm, saying something in the population
"Today, I reached the top of my heart and he hoped that the Taoist priest would point all the way."
"There are several existing being original in the heart of the road, so it is necessary to reinvent the wheel." Say that finish, I stepped aside and looked from the position where the Taoist priest appeared just now, and a path winding and light appeared, which should be the top of Huashan Mountain.
The four hundred and ninety-fourth peak of zhanghua.
On the top of Mount Huashan, there is a huge stone platform, and it is a pity that it is difficult to reproduce the sword theory in Huashan in the past.
The only difference is that at the moment, there are stone chairs and swords on the whole platform, which makes people believe that this is the place where Huashan talked about swords in those days. After all, those are just words from Jianghu.
It’s more like a gathering place for friends than a place where fame and fortune kill each other.
"so beautiful"
Liu Ernian gawked at the distance. At this time, the beautiful scenery was seen in front of her eyes, and the beauty of the world, mountains and days showed in front of her eyes. Compared with this time, human beings have become so small.
Here, the clouds, mountains and rivers are even a stone, and the original sharp corners have long since disappeared after thousands of years of wind and rain polishing.
People are just a few dozen, even if they know this, they still refuse to worry about their grievances. How many people end up depressed because of their temporary success or failure?
"such as?"
Road flyover behind him appeared a robe dancing in the wind. Several people turned around and said, "How can there be a mountain on the edge of heaven and earth?"! Do you practice on this mountain? " Windson responded with a cool smile, saying that Tao is inscrutable and telling such people the truth of heaven and earth is not self-humiliation
Taoist laughed, "If everything in heaven and earth is normal, if you have this mountain in your heart, you can travel around the world and settle down."
Monks eat hard, give up all the wealth, lust and greed in the world, and pursue the avenue of the heart. This alone is worthy of admiration.
"Educated!" Lin Feng gave a hand to salute.
"Don’t disturb a few people"
"Taoist, please stay."
The first two steps of Lin Feng’s Taoist priest turned around and was just about to hear the other side shout and slowly turned around. "But there are things?"
"If you have a doubt in your heart, please ask the Taoist priest to explain it."
"Go ahead."
"I’m here to find someone whose identity is a mystery and who can change his appearance at will. I don’t know where to find it?"
"Naive to have such a strange person! In this case, it must be that the donor does not want to be disturbed and must insist? "
"It’s not intentional, it’s emotional."
"It’s a good saying that if the world can let go, you can be your own official, but you can abandon your official position and not be a businessman. If you can give up your wealth, you can enjoy the sunrise and sunset of the Chinese people without losing a blessing."
"If so, everyone wants to ask the country to be strong! Once foreign enemies attack, who can come out to defend their families and rivers and mountains! "

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"Mom!" Shen Kuohai quickly stopped the flying hook and sickle from selling out and ling to the easy hook.

Yi Xiangen’s heart is in love with war, and he wants to break the eye and escape.
So he dodged back and forth, turned into a blur of light and shadow by floating wave technique, and scurried back and forth to attack the red light in the eye socket, which was faster than that.
Shen Kuohai’s skull blocked the opponent’s attack in front of it, making the flying hook and sickle superb, capable of resisting strength and attacking.
However, it is easy to wait for cunning and cunning, but it is a big thunder and fire seal, offering a size to hit Shen Kuohai at will, retreating again and again, and sending out a thunder that is more accurate than splitting red light
Shen Kuohain can’t let go of his skull, and his hands and feet are easily occupied. He goes on the rampage and emits black gas to cover the whole place.
I don’t know that Yi is wearing a poison-avoiding bead to block all kinds of poison gas without fear.
Shen Kuo-hai watched the red light in the skull getting weaker and weaker. I’m afraid this magic weapon will be destroyed if I hit it twice, but at that time I lost my wife and lost my soldiers.
"The magic skull! Receive! " He blocked the big seal and read the spell. When he had three breaths, he grabbed the magic skull.
At that time, it was like a broken lens, and the wind was strong. From the outside, a large piece of black fog and red light were inhaled into the skull, and there were several skulls. Ling Fei’s head changed from big to small and landed like a waterfall in Shen Kuohai’s hand.
This change is very fast and easy to see, and the other side automatically withdraws from the array, and it becomes more and more obvious and there is no attack. He identified the direction and rushed out at one stroke.
In an instant, the heavy rain fell outside, and the body was easy to lose weight, but before I was happy, a sweet Lei Yin suddenly rang and flashed.
Easy to quickly dodge clicked his heels together. The original vertical ground was split into a big hole, and he couldn’t help but be frightened in his heart.
The fourth volume Dry Kun copulation Chapter two hundred and twelve Get away from hiding and listen to the sound.
When I leaned out, I saw a body on the ground. Look at it. It looks like a mass of light and shadow floating in a horse. On the ground, a horse and a bear are blackened and dodged.
"Auditions thunder! Curse evil spirits and punish elegance! " Easy to recognize the instant that day, the sound god ray fix true boundary is the only one. Don’t semicolon. Who else can she be?
However, it is easy to run to the southwest in the event of unexpected changes, and the floating wave technique is even more extreme.
But that day, the sound of thunder seemed to have long eyes, and the track split had to be hit if it was not easy to dodge and quickly.
Even so, the thunderbolt was handed to the easy body through the rain, and one day after another, the cover was almost broken, and the sky was less than three layers.
Divine thunder in the sky will slow down every time it splits, and this speed will be reduced, so it can be regarded as knowing that the punishment of cutting evil spirits is elegant and severe
"Where can the thief escape!" Punishment, rebuke suddenly rang.
"It’s really chilling that a different fairy in Xiaoyangshan can’t recognize the old friend!" It’s easy to wake up when you have to change.
"Are you? Sorry! " The punishment, suddenly remind of offensive a stop.
Before she could think about it, a black light chased to the southwest, and she recognized Shen Kuohai, the lone goshawk, and hurriedly gave up Ma Yixiong’s flash to chase Shen Kuohai.
Ma Yixiong has seen all the people running away, finally relieved and sad. He picked up his brother Ma Zhongxiong’s body and was about to fly away.
I didn’t know that the cold firm but gentle suddenly struck and didn’t dodge the blink of an eye.
The green red sword light fierce a stir yuan god didn’t come to the body is firm but gentle to divide into several pieces of daylights out of the flesh has become a pool of mud.
"What is yellowbird? This is called yellowbird! In addition to your heart, it’s a pity … "Ji Wen’s mouth turned up in the distance after the pine tree, and he appeared in the sword tactic. When he flew back to his feet, his feet also recovered to the southwest.
Said easy to run away, never thought that Shen Kuohai was so quick to catch up, but he was eager to run for his life, and he didn’t have any love for war at all.
Punishment elegant homicidal light sweet voice "lone goshawk Shen Kuohai, you disregard human life and kill the common people, even the little girl will not let go of today’s immortal beheading you this evil person!"
Shen Kuohai’s anger is a god-fearing. First, he was taken into the array to collect the ghost of Wuyin, which caused half a year’s hard work to be wasted. Then this meddling fairy also became more and more timid in his heart. "Punishment is elegant! So you have witnessed it from beginning to end, so don’t stop the old? The cat cried and shed crocodile tears until you finally jumped out! "
Punishment ya also knows that even if the little girl is not killed by Shen Kuohai, her horse will die and then she will become a ghost of five yin. If such a ghost meets, it will be another way to slay her.
But at that time, I was just about to start work, only to find that there was movement here, and he struggled together to resist not starting work. Then the three of them fought for each other and went to fisherman’s satisfaction to behead these three demons, which made me feel happy.
However, later, one after another, Ma Zhongxiong was chopped to death, and the lamb mountain was chased by Sun Zhongzhi. At that time, another devil threw a thunder …
Punishment, royal sword flying quickly to Shen Kuohai chopping thunder while cold way "nonsense not much said that little girl if into ghost fairy also won’t relent! If you can’t bear it, you will make a big plan. You will kill the devil and sacrifice a dead person! "
Shen Kuohai was so angry that he hid from the thunder and chased the vague figure in front of him. "Whatever you say, you are right. This * * * righteous person is always angry. Everyone can talk and argue. Anyway, it’s always magic. You are an immortal!"
He shouted angrily at the figure in front of him, "I robbed the old ghost, but I almost ruined the old array. I was humbled by my old heart and signed up for you!"
I didn’t know until I heard that the ghost had been robbed by that man. I was kind enough to let him go before. I couldn’t help but think about it and shouted, "So you and he are birds of a feather. I have misjudged the wrong person!"
Yi Na can’t admit it. "Shen Kuohai’s ghost practices evil methods. After hearing the news, I specially came to destroy this ghost fairy who was just killed by a friend. Don’t listen to his nonsense, or you will come thousands of miles away to rob this ghost!"
"Bullshit …
Fart … "Shen Kuohai said a few farts in a row, and his body was shaking easily.
Punishment, after hearing this, the two sides were skeptical, saying that Shen Kuohai and swearing at the dirty mouth seemed to refute each other’s words. In my heart, I took the wind and didn’t say anything.
The rainstorm poured down and thundered, and the thunder rolled. On that day, the thunder of the God of Sound was displayed by Tianwei, which was twice as powerful as before, not only extremely refreshing.
This makes the punishment elegant and extremely happy. This divine thunder is a very powerful spell, but I feel that heaven can’t kill evil people by itself! The whole world was destroyed by the thunder of his own magic spell. If he offered his magic weapon, who wouldn’t bow down for mercy!
Easy to fly on the ground in front of Shen Kuo’s sea, the imperial flying hook is rampant, and it’s extremely urgent to be struck by the punishment of Ya Tianyin God. "If you are unwilling to escape by the other party, you will be chased by the punishment of Ya. You have previously consumed a lot of power. Today, it’s this stormy weather. However, she’s a crazy woman who is entangled in people but never dies. It’s more difficult than I don’t want to take countermeasures. I’m afraid I’ll die in her hand."
It’s easy to see the mountain shadow in front of you, and it’s big in your heart, regardless of the fact that the two people behind you are rushing to fly.
In a short time, it was easy to plunge into the forest along the hillside at first sight, and it was like a duck to water inside. It took several times of effort to stop the psychic tracking with this towering and dense tree.
This move really throws off a lot of distance between the two people, and it is easy to simply start the rapid flashing of Xuan Yin’s precious charm, but it is not going straight.
Shenkuohai forest flight stared at the man desperately, but there were too many trees, and the other side was very fast and dazzling. My head was a little dizzy and I couldn’t help but shrink back.
When I explored again, there was no trace, and I didn’t even find some fluctuations. I suddenly released a roar and flew to the front in a hurry.
Punishment, I don’t know what’s wrong with him, but the spirit swept forward and his face changed. The man has disappeared, and Shen Kuohai even wants to escape …
She quickly took out a gourd, shook her hand, and let go of the flying knife. A few shining lights were cut at Shenkuohai …
Easy to lean back and hide the thick dead leaves in the forest, watching the two people fly over and relax.

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When the explosion stopped, the smoke slowly dissipated over the earth wall.

The earth wall in front of the block has become quiet. Not only that, but the arrows have just flown out and disappeared
There is almost no gap between the face at the foot of the mountain and what you expected. The teacher’s face is directly covered by a thick smile … Without thinking, he ordered …
"Make the attacking troops rush into the Tatar tribe and kill all the Tatars who dare to resist …"
Chapter six hundred and ninety-one Losses
The military order can’t reach 4,000 people, and the tiger and leopard army is like taking stimulants.
Skillfully give the musket a bayonet, then carry the shield in one hand and hold the musket in the other, and continue to push the mountain!
Maybe the Tatar behind the Tibetan wall was really blown up by the Grenade department.
Nearly 4,000 attacking troops rushed to the front of the earth wall without being attacked.
Several grenades are tied together to form a small explosive charge.
As one explosion after another, the earth wall sounded more than five feet high and was directly blown out of dozens of gaps.
Thousands of tiger and leopard troops rushed directly over the earth wall to the chaotic hills without hesitation.
Soon thousands of cavalry division soldiers will disappear across the earth wall in front of the teachers …
At this time, everyone seems that the victory has belonged to the Tiger and Leopard Army.
After losing thousands of dead grenades in the explosion, there are more than 10 thousand old and weak people left in the two tribes, and even if there are more people, they can’t be elite opponents of cavalry divisions
However, the accident happened after their class and platoon units poured into tent hills everywhere.
All the butch troops were unaware of the cold light and cold arrows, and quickly flew out of the tent and plunged into the chest of a butch soldier.
The comrade-in-arms who walked beside him rushed into the surveillance tent just after shooting, although they responded at the first time with good bayonets and muskets.
But in this short time, a new arrow has been re-bowled by Tartars.
As soon as the tiger and leopard army appeared in front of the Tatar, the sharp arrows left the string and came out at a speed visible to the naked eye, and then easily plunged into her chest
Faced with this situation, the leftover woman, Tiger and Leopard, was replaced by anger …
No matter whether there are others in the tent, they directly raise the musket at the tent and pull the trigger.
Ten lead bullets flew into the tent very easily when the gun rang.
Unfortunately, two lead bullets just shot into the body of the Tatar, which made him fall to the ground with a full face unwilling to shoot the third surveillance.
Of course, falling down with this Tatar and being responsible for covering three old and weak Tatars …
The death and injury of two comrades made the monitor very angry, but the monitor didn’t lose his mind …
Glanced at the side with nine after the monitor decisive openings ordered.
"Listen up for me. From now on, no matter what tent you meet and there is no danger, shoot me a lead shot first … I want to kill all the dangers against us in the cradle … I don’t want to see any of our brothers lose their lives again …"
Although the squad leader was adjusted to avoid several sneak attacks, he also killed several Tatars.
But as they went deeper into hiding tents, Tartars began to make adjustments.
In addition to the sniper attack, they began to take the initiative.
Their strong melee fighting ability, together with the tiger and leopard army, must destroy them as much as possible …
So all kinds of small-scale killings began to unfold.
Because everyone is scattered, a steady stream of small-scale killings has not made everyone realize that they have unconsciously paid thousands of heavy casualties in a short time …
And until this moment, the mountain still keeps ringing guns to make cavalry teachers feel a little bad.
"Don’t the mountains and tartars resist … how the explosion of guns and grenades hasn’t stopped yet …" Teachers’ eyebrows a wrinkly to the side also don’t understand the big asks …
And when everyone shook their heads to show that they were not clear
A soldier ran directly from the hill to everyone’s position with a full face of panic and anxiety.
As soon as the first commander appeared, the second was tolerant of the third, and then everyone appeared in the field of vision.
What makes teachers nervous and relieved is that these soldiers bring the news that Shantou himself needs most.
Although I know the latest situation on the hill, it is this situation that directly makes teachers realize that this battle is a conspiracy against their cavalry division.
So the teacher made a decision without thinking …
"Make all the attacking troops retreat … withdraw from the battlefield … our limited strength must not be consumed with the Tatars …"
After the cavalry division’s 4,000 attacking troops were slightly embarrassed to withdraw from the battlefield,
The battlefield, which was just full of guns and explosions, immediately became quiet at this moment.
At this moment, the teachers are scanning the meeting in the attacking troops with a dignified face and a whole third less troops.
Although it is clear that this sudden battle is likely to be a conspiracy against the cavalry division, the loss of almost one regiment in a blink of an eye still hurts the teachers.
Of course, the heartache is like a knife, but also full of hatred for the tiger and leopard army on the mountain.
In my heart, I secretly vowed to destroy the top of the mountain and avenge the soldiers of the Tiger and Leopard Army who died.
From the mouth of the attacking troops, I learned that after everyone entered the tribe, the specific purpose of this conspiracy was set by the teacher Ma Baida …
Through close combat, through the strength advantage, a large number of limited troops of cavalry divisions are consumed …
Thought of here, the teacher couldn’t help dying …
If it weren’t for his emergency evacuation order, the Tatar tactical tactics would probably have sent 4,000 attacking troops to eat completely, and there was no residue left …
"Cunning Tatar … I didn’t expect this time to be so fierce against the Tatar generals with us … first sneak attack on our left-behind base and eat our thousands of elite …"
"Now set up such a big conspiracy to eat my three cavalry battalions in an instant … it’s an outrage … this revenge is not reported to me. This teacher is dead and has no face to face those brothers who died …"
The teacher’s doubts directly aroused everyone’s hatred for the mountains.
Teachers have just finished a head of the mouth shouted, "revenge must be revenge … this revenge is not reported to you … teachers, you tell me how we should fight …"
Facing the surrounding face, the teachers’ hearts are filled with revenge thoughts.
But calm down, it didn’t lose its mind because of these urges … but several pairs of eyes were staring at the same time and lost in thought …
However, the teachers didn’t ask everyone to wait too long. A pair of closed eyes opened and shot two sharp-edged clothes …
Chapter six hundred and ninety-two coincides with mine.
As soon as the cavalry division on the top of the hill withdrew from the battlefield and hid in these tents, Tartars jumped out and began to clean up the battlefield and count the results and losses
Soon the battlefield seized all muskets and armor and piled up in front of Aobai.
Watching a mountain of captured Aobai smile and laugh should be very happy.
It is very effective to tell yourself that it was very effective to formulate the style of play because of the immediate results and the direct facts.
Otherwise, I wouldn’t have killed hundreds of soldiers in more than 4,000 tribes. I ate three battalions of Tiger and Leopard Army and seized a mountain of weapons and equipment.
Happy to be happy, Aobai did not lose his mind because of this.
Because it knows that after a failure, the Mountain Tiger and Leopard Army will definitely readjust itself and not make the same mistake again.
It is unclear whether the Tiger and Leopard Army can continue to maintain this victory with more than 5,000 fighters left before the specific tactics and tactics of the second attack.
Of course, this is only the best result in Aobai’s heart …
If the Tiger and Leopard Army has a good way to crack its own tactics and tactics, what it needs to do is not to keep winning, but how to take many of the remaining warriors out of the battlefield.
So Aobai directly looked at more than a dozen pairs of eyes at the same time to express his thoughts and concerns in his heart.
After that, I directly asked, "If it wasn’t for the terrain restrictions, I would like to withdraw from the battlefield and break through from the front of the butch army to hit the butch army hard. I have already withdrawn from the battlefield with all of you …"
"Tell me all about how we can break through at the minimum cost if the Tiger and Leopard Army already has specific methods to crack our tactical tactics … You should know that our goal is to destroy the Tiger and Leopard Army here, not to die by ourselves …"
After some discussion, a feasible method was directly agreed upon.
Just as thousands of Tatars began to prepare for their own breakthrough, the cavalry division had ordered the teachers to prepare for a new round of attack.

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the United States

White house meeting
The president said, "Tell me the current situation in the earthworm world!"
The aide held a document on his face and said, "Longling, the core area of the ten regions in the earthworm world, has been completely abandoned because it is the most dense and powerful place for indigenous forces."
"The situation in nine provinces is not optimistic either. In three provinces, human beings have been completely defeated, all strongholds and territories have been destroyed, and the remaining provinces are also facing threats."
"It is undoubtedly the most powerful place in the earthworm world to travel to the high-profile wasteland province, but even with our new york Lingjian Bureau and black dragon to organize the wasteland province, it is also facing a major test!"
Aideno listed a set of data.
He said, "Hang Yu, the owner of Shaquan City and the supreme leader of black dragon organization, recently mobilized all the troops in the 32 nd town of the territory, but even so, he could come up with about 40 thousand troops at most."
"There are more than 50,000 human beings in the wasteland and the province to resist the enemy forces. Although it sounds like a lot, it should be noted that as far as I know, there is an army of nearly 10,000 people gathering in Shaquan City!"
"Shaquan City is not only not dominant in terms of quantity, but also the overall strength of the army. In terms of high-end combat power, we believe that Hangyu can’t be stronger than the wilderness governor Nazge!"
"In addition to Naz, there will be three big lords, one or two hundred famous masters from wasteland provinces to participate in the war. According to the analysis of the staff team, the odds of winning this war are up to 1%!"
"Our current suggestion is to carefully invest strategic resources and consider recycling new york Lingjian Bureau to avoid serious losses."
The president was lost in thought after hearing the report.
The suggestion of the staff team must have been rationally analyzed.
At this stage, many things have been thoroughly discussed, whether it is Hang Yu or Xu Tianhua Zhao’s data and skills or the number and comprehensive strength of troops in the 32 nd town of Shaquan City
Data and intelligence are getting more and more detailed.
As a result, the deviation of the analysis results of the think tank team is getting smaller and smaller
Judging from the situation, it is really dangerous to save the wasteland.
"This is not the first time!"
"In the last month, how many excellent teams destroyed the spiritual world and how many national key training experts never came back!"
The president angrily slapped the table. "That’s why we can’t support new york Lingjian Bureau!"
At the same time
China also called a discussion meeting.
"Wasteland province is the most concerned frontier of the spiritual world. If this place falls carelessly, it will deal a great blow to mankind and directly affect the future spiritual strategy of all countries and forces."
Minister Skynet is reporting to the No.1 leader.
"This is not a country where people fight in black dragon’s wasteland province. Everyone is in a state of interest. We must support black dragon to help and facilitate as much as possible to win this battle!" The big leader said, "You tell Hang Yu to let him go, but make sure he is safe!"
Minister Skynet said, "Yes!"
All kinds of news are flying all over the sky
Black dragon, a wasteland province, is a leading team.
Hang Yu’s first group of people are all big stars in the spiritual world
Such a big event will lead to a hot discussion. Now the details of the provinces in the wilderness of earthworm have been noted to the latest developments by Bai Xuan, the captain of Skynet in NetLu City.
"Unity is strength! Shaquancheng Self-Defense Corps was successfully established! 》
"The latest news" Boss Hangzhou plans to lead 50,000 Shaquan allied indigenous troops to battle in the desert of death! 》
"50,000 VS 10,000 Hangzhou boss, what is the odds this time? 》
"A governor, three lords, a hundred masters of the spiritual world, a tens of thousands of troops … Can black dragon create another miracle? 》
Bai Xuan is also the battalion chief of Skynet.
She is well aware of what is behind these reports.
Hang Yu was able to integrate Shaquan forces for the first time, which is really a great thing, which means that his prestige in Shaquan City has been extremely high and the small lords are very loyal to him.
It is impossible for a human territory to show such cohesion at this stage, and it is precisely because of this that people see a glimmer of hope.
The winning face is still not big!
Hang Yu actually gave up sticking to the city and pulled out 50 thousand troops to fight in the desert of death
Although I don’t know what boss Hang thinks.
But it’s not too risky!
Bai Xuan also realized that even if he survived this difficult time, there would be a more difficult test, knowing that his enemy was not limited to a mere wasteland province, but the whole earthworm community.
Live and die
Tan Yi?
Must break through.
Bai Xuan can feel the pressure of Hang Yu.
She hates that she has no earthworms, otherwise she must take refuge in Hangyu and fight with him to resist the enemy!
The discussion didn’t stop.

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Fairy wild Chapter three hundred and thirty-nine Xuan Aoyuanzhen

Remember, suddenly stop this work practice. Take out a three-finger-wide Yu Pei. At the moment, the mountain was flashing with a faint silver light. She reached in with her gods and looked at it. She couldn’t help sighing and immediately got up and came to the room where Iodine Model and Wang Daoxian were located.
At the moment, the ban outside the room is shaking. And there is also a "bang" crackling sound. Obviously, someone is attacking.
Jiman figure that entered the room. He saw Yan Mo commanding a magic weapon to attack the array outside the room, and he also called Wang Daoxian, who was at a loss, to attack the array together.
Momo saw Jiman come in and snorted. I don’t stop, I still go my own way.
Jiman saw this, and his heart flashed a trace of helplessness. However, she knew it was useless to persuade, so her face suddenly turned cold and said faintly, "If you don’t stop, I will tie you up like last time, but this time it won’t be just for one day!"
Yan Mo saw Jiman’s cold face, and there was some anxiety in his heart, and then he thought of the last teaching. I still have some lingering fears. It’s just that she doesn’t want to be so casual, and her face is not red and white for a while.
When Wang Daoxian saw this, he knew that the model was a child’s mind and wanted to find a catty. Down the steps, so I hurried up and advised, "All right, iodine model, don’t be willful. Stop quickly, if you have anything, tell your senior Ji well. "
After hearing this, Yan Mo found the steps down, and she took back the magic weapon, but she felt very wronged and wanted to cry. But in front of Jiman, she felt a little embarrassed. At that time, she was depressed and couldn’t find any relief. She had to stomp her feet and ran to the training room inside, paying attention to it alone, and she ignored how Wang Daoxian shouted.
All the prohibitions in the room were arranged by Jiman, so of course she couldn’t be stumped, but she didn’t go in rashly, but quietly looked at it through the law outside, and saw that Mo Iodine was sulking inside and didn’t do anything out of line, so she couldn’t help but relax.
"Elder Ji shouldn’t blame Momo either. She’s just a person who can’t stand it, and she’s a little worried about her crazy elder, so she’s upset, so she does this kind of thing. She’ll be fine in a while, and I’ll persuade her." Wang Daoxian carefully begged Jiman for Xu Yan.
Jiman was about to answer, but suddenly he felt a shiver in his heart, like a calm lake falling into a stone, causing a ripple, which suddenly made her speechless. Two tears involuntarily fell from the corner of his eye, but her face. But with a faint smile.
Wang Daoxian looked at all this, and felt puzzled. He even wondered if he had said something wrong just now, and his heart suddenly felt uneasy.
Just when he was at a loss, he suddenly heard the other side say, "Tell Iodine Mo that his brother will come back soon!" "
Yang Xiu quickly went to the home of the Twelve Peaks in Nanling, while thinking about some information that he had just got from a monk in Jiedan period about the six immortals in recent years.
Let’s talk about the fairy mansion under the sea at that time. Although the factions were tight-lipped at that time, the monks didn’t know much about it, but over the years, the things that were born in those years have already spread out, not to mention that everyone knows, but it is no longer a secret.
It is said that the "Purple Lancang Langgong", that is, the undersea fairy house, finally belonged to neither the original gate nor other famous schools with names, but a force that most monks had never heard of.
When Yang Xiu heard it at that time, he was very moved and thought it was Bai Zhi. Because he felt in his heart that his ban on Bai Zhi was still there, since the other party didn’t have an accident, on the same day, Bai Zhi scattered "black cartilage crisp" in the tower of Purple Lancang Wave Palace, which still had a great chance to refine the magic weapon of the town government of Purple Lancang Wave Palace.
It’s just that he clearly told Bai Zhi to collect the storage bags of those monks and left. After all, he is not from any faction inside. Even if he refines the magic weapon of the town government, he will not be able to keep it after being known.
So it’s better to just take the storage bag. Think of hundreds of people who put Godsworn Dan’s storage bag in the bag. If it were replaced by Lingshi, I’m afraid I wouldn’t have to worry about Lingshi for the rest of my life.
However, after hearing what the other party said, Yang Xiucai knew that he was happy for nothing. I heard that it was a sect called Sin Valley that got the fairy house. I heard that the other party not only got the fairy mansion, but also the storage bags of all the monks in it at that time, which was also found by the other party. This matter has also become a big part of the fix true world.
When Yang Xiu heard this, he was somewhat indecisive. How could it be that "Sink Valley" got all the friars’ storage bags? Since Bai Zhi isn’t dead, he won’t get nothing anyway.
"It seems that after leaving at that time, what happened inside!" Thought of here, Yang Xiu’s face can’t help some gloomy, dialogue zhi, there are some doubts, let he was going to find the mold, immediately went to find his plan, also have to plan again.
In the past hundred years, the biggest thing in life may be the strong rise of the demon soul alliance.
The Demon Soul League is the demon soul organization that drove the Nanling Sect out of the Twelve Peaks of Nanling in those years. Now it is known that these demon souls were tens of thousands of years ago. It was transformed by those dead monsters sealed in the Trans-Grand Canyon.
In ancient times, the monster beast had the ability to move mountains and rivers, and its strength was strong. Therefore, the demon soul transformed after their death, although it has been sealed and suppressed for so many years, is much weaker than before getting up, but human monks are generally not strong now, so they still hold up a human monk.
In particular, the leader of these demon souls, who is called the man of the bodhi old zu of the Xuanjiao Sect, has reached an incredible level. It is rumored that he is Mao who has been distracted and reached the realm of anti-emptiness. No one can be its edge.
In those days, while Yang Xiu and others were fighting for the immortal mansion under the sea, the bodhi old zu of Xuanjiao also took those evil spirits and abused the realm of fixing the true. Wherever the demon soul goes, people die and die, and for a while, those schools that fix the truth near the Grand Canyon have moved one after another, making people panic. Although it was almost a whole catty. The sects of the fix true world are United, but it’s still hard to cope. After all, the bodhi old zu of Xuanjiao is too strong. In front of him, there are not enough monks to see.
Finally, something happened, and these demon souls slowly converged.
I heard that the ancestor of Xuanjiao went to the first gate at that time. I plan to rob the first gate of the day after tomorrow.
However, because of underestimating the enemy, it fell into the defensive mountain array, the sun, the moon and the stars array of Shidimen.
Although the array of the sun, the moon and the stars, which is composed of thirty-three bans on life and death, and ninety-nine bans on disillusionment of the stars, is fierce, there is no corresponding strong Lingbao suppression like the Delong Sword Sect, and it can’t do anything to the Xuanao bodhi old zu, which can only cause some troubles.
What he didn’t expect, however, was that Shidimen actually had a late distracted founder, Taoist Yuan Zhen. Although Taoist Yuan Zhen’s cultivation is not as high as his, he just has the acquired Lingbao in his hand. Falling soul beads.
The lost soul bead deserves to be a precious treasure of the day after tomorrow. Once the Taoist priest Yuan Zhen offered it, the Taoist priest of Xuanjiao, the anti-imaginary monk, was powerless to fight back. In the end, he learned early and quickly used the secret method to escape.
However, he didn’t expect the Taoist Yuan Zhen to pursue the victory, intending to kill them all, so he followed all the way, followed the Xuanao bodhi old zu, in the lair across the Grand Canyon, and the result was a burst of darkness. The sun and the moon are fighting with no light, and the bodhi old zu of Xuanjiao is cooperating with his "28-star array", which can barely resist the attack of Taoist Yuan Zhen.
Because of this incident, the demon soul alliance stopped the pace of further expansion and quieted down. But even so, it is south of Delong. East of the single fruit country, north of the southwest boundless coastline. It has become the sphere of influence of the demon soul alliance, and it is difficult for outsiders to penetrate it.
After this incident, the momentum of the first gate is also more prosperous than before, and the fix-true world has to get along with it, which can be said to be standing on the position of responding.
The Nanling Sect, however, completely lost the Twelve Peaks of Nanling and moved to a small mountain in Taiwu Mountain, not far from Shidimen.
Yang Xiu, while flying, thought about these information, of which Taoist Xuanjiao and Taoist Yuan Zhen, of course, were the most shocking to him.
Road flyover Yuan Zhen is to say, at least now, it has little to do with Yang Xiu, but Xuanjiao bodhi old zu made him frown.
He remembered the five-tailed white fox and bald ape that day, but everyone was guarded by a demon soul equivalent to the fit period, which showed that the other party must have a close relationship with the bodhi old zu of Xuanjiao. Maybe it was the bodhi old zu of Xuanjiao who came to look for the relocation order.
By such a catty. Giant wall Johnson thinking, but let Yang Xiu some depressed.
It seems that not only can we no longer go to Nanling Sect, but even places that have any connection with the past can’t go again, otherwise it won’t be so easy to get rid of it once it is discovered!
After making up his mind, Yang Xiu has no distractions, and will soon enter the range of twelve peaks in Nanling.
After it was occupied by those demon souls, there were three demon souls who sat here all the year round, and there were about 13 or 14 demon souls in their infancy. As for those demon souls in the Dan period, don’t count them. So don’t alert the other side, or you’ll be in trouble.
Therefore, after he entered the range of the Twelve Peaks in Nanling, he used the stealth technique to gather good breath, and no longer used the gods to look too far away, so as not to accidentally attract the attention of those powerful demon souls.
His divine knowledge has been better than that of ordinary people after practicing the "Been Earth Tactics" combined with meditation, so be careful and don’t worry too much.

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Japanese players looked at the 500 cavalry who rampaged in their own crowd, and they were horrified. Several guild leaders shouted and commanded the team to intercept them.

Idiots also know that only 500 cavalry charge, including many elite players for more than 50 thousand days, even if they are ten times braver, they will eventually be surrounded and strangled!
Of course, the soldiers of the 1st Battalion of the Gods Cavalry are not idiots. The purpose of their charge is to disrupt the enemy’s army for precious landing, so that Japanese players will not recapture the city gate before the general attack of the gods, and the city gate will be in the hands of the gods. Even if Japanese players are full of collapsed walls and ruins, they will not be able to build a human flesh Great Wall, but they will continue to attack from the city gate and break their defenses in a short time.
To keep the gate, don’t say it’s a cavalry battalion, even if it’s vast and blue, it will cost the four thousand pioneer elite to break the gate.
Every brother of the first battalion of cavalry knows that being sent to steal the city gate means letting them be cannon fodder, but they are not cannon fodder, they are cannon fodder that is decisive for the battle of sunset harbor
The overall situation, they had a heroic consciousness and feared that only 500 people would fall into the trap of tens of thousands of enemy troops!
"Samurai fear! Kill the enemy line! "
A series of dazzling lotus flowers rose from their bodies and the dark sky was reflected in a latosolic red!
A bloody battle!
Berserker, Killing Warrior, and War Knight, the three attacking heavy armor, are in a state of frenzied melee. At the same time, they activate the infiltration of blood and light, and their armor weapons keep flashing. They roar like a torrent of blood and collide head-on with the Japanese team.
They shot and stabbed the sword, and the blood arrows burst out in the sword shadow. When the residual limb and arm were thrown away, the team was cut down by the cavalry of the gods as soon as the cliff was blocked. The so-called heavy interception was so vulnerable to the madness of the fighters of the gods …
"Bastard! They are violent melee! How is that possible? Such a single professional team doesn’t have much continuous fighting ability. Are the gods crazy … "The arrogant voice of the East is getting lower and lower, and he seems to have lost something.
In fact, not only is this overlord cavalry division with 500 personnel, but also the three cavalry divisions of the gods are composed of these three heavy armor violent melee. In the cavalry battalions of the various cavalry regiments of the gods, there is no knight who can wear heavy armor except a small number of teams to charge and act as meat shields and shields, let alone priests and druids.
Abandoning the treatment profession and sacrificing the cavalry team’s endurance and team fighting explosive force, which was decided by Ye Feng after careful consideration.
Ye Feng advocates attack, which is not only known to China players, but also to all eternal players.
In his view, cavalry is a sharp knife and sword that can penetrate the enemy’s heart. Their mission is to charge, charge and then charge! The concept of "afraid to fight and retreat" is not in the cavalry dictionary. Those who dare to ride cavalry must have the spirit of fighting to the death.
After a rush, you have to slow down and let a group of priests paladins treat you. Plus buff cavalry, which one is not a cavalry, let alone a samurai warrior.
The cavalry of the gods must have the courage to break the enemy!
Whenever the cavalry of the gods go to war, they must have the momentum of winning every battle.
All the cavalry of the gods don’t need treatment, they don’t need remote, they want violent melee!
By the time East Proud came to my senses, the 1st Battalion of Cavalry had traversed the uneven lines for more than 200 yards, and the bodies of Japanese players were trampled and chopped everywhere.
At the moment, the elite team of Wu Temple has finally encountered this cavalry, but it is still difficult to stop the violent rush of the cavalry of the gods by hastily forming a shield wall. They are like an overwhelming tidal wave and tsunami, harvesting the lives of Japanese players fiercely and brutally.
However, the seemingly chaotic arrows and magic projectiles of remote players have caused a lot of damage to the cavalry of the gods. Every few seconds, 3322 cavalry are shot by these weak but dense instant skills.
On the other hand, Japanese remote players can also cast weak instant skills at this time. They are all crazy and frustrated at this time, and they want to annihilate the gods. This pioneer retakes the city gate and builds the first line of defense with the collapsed wall. Fifty or sixty thousand people are carried away by hatred, organization and discipline, rushing around like a swarm of people, and it is difficult for remote players to sing stably.
East proudly looked at this tough and brave cavalry and the increasing Japanese team coming from various streets in silence. He knew that the Japanese crowd would drown this cavalry battalion sooner or later, although it might cost several times or even ten times.
Such a heavy sacrifice is not important to the whole battle of Sunset Harbor. What is important is to recapture the gate before the army of the gods lands.
He frowned in a highland and continued to wait and see, and his heart suddenly relaxed.
The elite group of Wu Temple did not let him down. At this moment, nearly 10,000 people have avoided it, which can resist the cavalry of the gods taking advantage of the chaos to outflank the past horses, so that those teams who are ready for the gods can face the battle.
See a piece of arrow rain and gorgeous magic suddenly cut through the sky, screaming and roaring towards the other end, covered by a huge flame demon …
(Special thanks to Yichen’s students for their silent contribution to overlord and those students who I didn’t know but have been supporting overlord in various ways. Thank you for your support, big or small. This intention makes Chu grateful. I am honored to thank you! )
Chapter 949 There is a pride flowing in the blood.
It is comparable to the Dragon Language Magic Temple’s summoning magic summoning flame magic. The blood volume can be as high as one million, which can last for ten minutes. The attack damage is strong and automatically clear all fire attributes. Even if the strength of the elite master of the Wu Temple is still greatly broken, the attack is too dense. Those players who have made a crazy day continue to charge and intercept the flame magic, and the flame magic finally sinks into the ground in a snowstorm.